Testing is Destroying the Common Core
The marriage between the Common Core and testing should be annulled.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the Common Core
When debating Common Core, activists lose sight of students far too often.
The Common Core is Passable in Theory but Problematic in Reality
The way the Common Core has been implemented undermines the value that could come from robust educational standards.
Stay the Course, or Turn the Page?
Common Core’s dual, social and technocratic, nature creates hurdles for political reform.
The Common Core is a Remedy Worse than the Disease
It is time to dump the Common Core and its counterproductive high-stakes testing.
Common Core Creates Professional Possibilities
Common Core educational standards can bring students and the teaching profession to new heights.
Making Student Loans More Affordable
Federal government expected to expand popular student loan repayment plan.
When 1+1+1 Doesn’t Add Up
Conflating testing and evaluation with education standards threatens Common Core.
Improving Federally-Funded Youth Programs
Agency proposes new standards for homeless and runaway youth programs receiving federal grants.
Indiana Becomes First State to Abandon “Common Core” Educational Standards
New state law requires Indiana to establish its own education standards and benchmarks.