Are Net-Zero Emission Pledges Credible?
Climate change pledges require concrete government policies to ensure their enforceability and effectiveness.
Making Conservation Easements Last
Scholars discuss regulations that provide tax deductions for environmental conservation on private lands.
Reasserting Tribal Forest Management Under Good Neighbor Authority
Advocates should promote tribal sovereignty and protect lands through joint forest management agreements.
Climate Change, Migration, and Immigration Law
Scholar argues that the United States may need to amend its asylum laws to include climate refugees.
Regulatory Solutions to Climate Risk
Experts argue that the United States can do more to reduce the risk of climate change on financial markets.
Thinking Harder and Smarter About Wildland Fire
As millions of acres burn along the West Coast, the United States must improve the way it manages forest fires.
Climate Change Is a Systemic Financial Risk
Corporate counsel should heed regulators’ warnings that climate change is a risk to the financial industry.
Zombie Laws Haunt the Energy Market
Scholar argues that energy regulations that once protected consumers now block renewable energy companies.
The Art of the Climate Change War
The world needs a new strategy to fight climate change aggressively and effectively.
The Untapped Power of Tribal Clean Energy
Scholar asserts that federal law and incentive structures should facilitate renewable energy development on tribal lands.
FERC’s Carbon Blind Spot
Critics argue that a federal regulator’s failure to address climate change clashes with the goal of efficient markets.
The Trump Administration’s Latest Unconstitutional Power Grab
A revised CEQ rule seeks to limit judicial review of agency action, threatening the separation of powers.