The Power of the Paris Agreement
Scholars assert that the accord has achieved more than would be expected of a non-binding agreement.
Court Weighs in on Pipeline Crossing Appalachian Trail
The Supreme Court rules that the Forest Service can approve natural gas pipelines crossing the Appalachian Trail.
The Shape of Water After County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund
Despite guidance from the Supreme Court, the future of water regulation remains uncertain.
Federalism and Environmental Advocacy
The Supreme Court appears inconsistently enthusiastic about federal regulation and state-centric environmentalism.
Closing a Concocted Clean Water Act Loophole
Congressional intent and clear statutory text promote common-sense enforcement of federal water regulations.
The Supreme Court’s 2019-2020 Regulatory Term
Scholars and practitioners highlight the Court’s most significant regulatory and administrative law decisions.
Establishing Better Fisheries Regulation
Scholars argue for reforms to Canada’s aquaculture regulatory system.
Are Biofuels Doing More Harm Than Good?
Scholar argues that greater regulation of biofuels is needed to promote environmental justice.
Trump’s Flawed Rollback of Fuel Economy Rules
Recent regulatory retreat over automobile fuel efficiency undermines both climate progress and U.S. competitiveness.
The Match Between COVID-19 and Plastic Bans
The COVID-19 pandemic tests the strength of U.S. bans on single-use plastic products.
How to End the Rent-Seeking in Climate Policy
Society should pursue bottom-up, market-based approaches to address climate change.
EPA Proposes to Accelerate Its Permit Appeal Process
A proposed rule to speed up administrative decision-making could have unintended consequences.