The Pandemic and Industry Opportunism
EPA fails to hold environmental polluters responsible during the COVID-19 crisis.
Natural Gas is Key to Addressing Climate Change
Natural gas continues to play a vital role in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Landmark Environmental Rules Slated for Overhaul
A proposed rule aims to facilitate economic growth at the expense of federal environmental reviews.
Proposed EPA Rule May Permit More Toxic Water Pollution
EPA’s proposed relaxation of a rule restricting water pollution from coal plants generates controversy.
Climate Change Necessitates Normative Change
Global warming poses unique threats that require paradigmatic shifts to solve.
Beyond Fighting Wildfires
Government leaders must take swift action to mitigate the risks of wildfire disasters.
EPA Likely to Move Soon on ‘Secret Science’ Rulemaking
Critics of proposed data disclosure rule suggest it could undermine effective rulemaking.
Standing Up to Climate Change
The judicial system may need to adapt to allow climate change cases to be heard in court.
Breaking Up Big Ag Requires Reasonable Antitrust Enforcement
The FTC and Justice Department must change their interpretation of antitrust laws to protect fair competition in agriculture.
Many Shades of the Green New Deal
Democratic primary candidates are competing to define the scale and scope of climate action.
Resurrecting the Wild Turkey
Regulation, combined with other efforts, has successfully repopulated wild turkeys in the United States.