
Forging a Treaty in the Face of Climate Change

Forging a Treaty in the Face of Climate Change

PPR panel addresses the risks of climate change and the realities of reaching an international agreement.

How Can Regulation Reduce the Risks of Fracking?

How Can Regulation Reduce the Risks of Fracking?

PPR seminar highlights regulatory solutions to risks of unconventional gas development.

The Supreme Court Scrutinizes EPA Regulation

The Supreme Court Scrutinizes EPA Regulation

At oral arguments, Justices question whether EPA considered costs of regulation at the right time.

Counting Benefits at the High Court

Counting Benefits at the High Court

Considering the costs and benefits of regulation should include indirect effects in the calculation.

Supreme Court Weighs When Agencies Must Consider Costs

Supreme Court Weighs When Agencies Must Consider Costs

EPA’s consideration of costs in regulating toxic air pollutants should prove sufficient.

High Court Hears Debate Over Costs and Benefits of Regulating Air Pollution

High Court Hears Debate Over Costs and Benefits of Regulating Air Pollution

The Regulatory Review features commentaries on this term’s oral arguments in Michigan v. EPA.

New Regulations Proposed on Arctic Ocean Drilling

New Regulations Proposed on Arctic Ocean Drilling

Interior Department proposes new regulations for exploratory drilling offshore Alaska.

EPA Reform Measures Face White House Opposition

EPA Reform Measures Face White House Opposition

White House claims EPA reform legislation is expensive, unnecessary, and arbitrary.

EPA Enforcement in a Time of Financial Constraint

EPA Enforcement in a Time of Financial Constraint

Scholar argues that the EPA has to look for cheaper, more efficient enforcement strategies.

EPA Report Finds One-Year Rise in Toxic Pollution

EPA Report Finds One-Year Rise in Toxic Pollution

Data show a fifteen percent increase in toxic chemicals released from 2012 to 2013.

FERC Demand Response Resource Order May Be Heading to the Supreme Court

FERC Demand Response Resource Order May Be Heading to the Supreme Court

An invalidated agency order aimed at updating the power industry is seeking new life.