Why Costs Should Play No Role in Setting Ozone Standards
President Obama made a bad decision to withdraw EPA rule.
Obama’s Ozone Decision Shows Clearly Who’s in Charge
Letter from OIRA Administrator Sunstein emphasizes President’s role.
Obama Asks EPA to Delay Ozone Standards
Concerns over economy clash with more stringent air pollution standards.
European Court of Justice Considers Carbon Restrictions on Foreign Airlines
Legality of EU environmental regulation challenged under international law.
New York Recommends Expansion of Fracking
NY department advocates ending gubernatorial moratorium on fracking.
EPA Releases Plan to Review Environmental Regulations
Following Executive Order 13563, EPA plans to review and revise some of its rules.
A Silver Lining in the Supreme Court’s Latest Climate Change Decision
In the process of handing environmentalists a loss in AEP v. Connecticut, the Court strengthens the EPA’s authority over greenhouse gas emissions.
The Myths of Benefit-Cost Analysis
Congress should resist the popular misconceptions of the critics of benefit-cost analysis.
House Subcommittee Considers Codifying Agency CBA
Witnesses agree about the importance of thorough cost-benefit analysis.
Texas and EPA Battle Over Greenhouse Gas Regulations
Texas v. EPA continues in the D.C. Circuit Court.