Private Enforcement of Corporate Climate Pledges
Scholars propose a new means of holding corporations accountable for emissions reduction pledges.
Inside the EU’s Ambitious Anti-Deforestation Regulation
An EU law requiring deforestation-free exports could impact economies and ecologies around the world.
Scarcity Issues in Water Rights
Scholars explore the regulatory issues surrounding water rights nationally and internationally.
Regulatory Discretion Fosters Clean Tech
Increased regulatory discretion can improve outcomes for entrepreneurs and enhance the impact of stakeholder activists.
Could West Virginia v. EPA Strengthen State Climate Laws?
Scholars argue that a recent Supreme Court decision may bolster state climate lawsuits.
Is Ocean Policy Key to Solving Climate Change?
Scholars discuss ways for federal and local governments to combat harm to the ocean from climate change.
EPA’s New Power Plant Rule Fits Within Court-Upheld Authority
Proposed greenhouse gas emission limits rely on a legal pathway preserved by last year’s Supreme Court decision.
From Pipelines to Pipe Dreams
Experts explore how environmental litigation has obstructed pipeline construction.
The Innovation-Inducing Effects of Carbon Pricing
Taxing carbon emissions, although unpopular, may be the best way to fund the fight against climate change.
Seeking Suggestions on Noise Pollution
Scholars recommend policies to address the harms of excessive noise.
The Supreme Court’s Wetland Saga Continues
Rejecting federal agencies’ interpretation of the Clean Water Act, the Supreme Court limits the application of federal law over wetlands.