
A Review of Health Care in the Court

A Review of Health Care in the Court

Several U.S. Supreme Court cases from this past term have significant implications for the provision of medical care.

Emergency Use or Overuse?

Emergency Use or Overuse?

Experts discuss FDA’s COVID-19 emergency authorizations and how to recalibrate the regulatory mechanism.

Long-Term Care After COVID-19

Long-Term Care After COVID-19

Experts recommend regulatory policies to improve long-term care in the wake of COVID-19.

State Failures to Survey Nursing Homes

State Failures to Survey Nursing Homes

A report recommends ways CMS can address the states’ failures to meet nursing home survey requirements.

Preparing the New Market for Meat Alternatives

Preparing the New Market for Meat Alternatives

As the alternative meat industry takes off, regulation will confront a new frontier.

Immigration Surveillance in Health Care

Immigration Surveillance in Health Care

Scholar calls for increased protections for noncitizens within the health care system.

The Future of Feces

The Future of Feces

As fecal microbiota transplantation gains traction in the medical world, regulators may need to step in.

Protecting Abortion Post-Roe

Protecting Abortion Post-Roe

Scholars offer suggestions for protecting abortion rights if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

Who is Your Health Insurer?

Who is Your Health Insurer?

More employers self-fund health insurance plans, bypassing state regulation and potentially increasing costs.

Sniffing Out New Regulation

Sniffing Out New Regulation

Scholars propose to modify the current regulatory regime for animal-based medical diagnostics.

Last Federal Mask Mandate Standing

Last Federal Mask Mandate Standing

A federal judge rules CDC cannot require travelers to wear masks on airplanes or public transportation.

Help International Medical Graduates Help Us

Help International Medical Graduates Help Us

In the United States, immigration and administrative barriers hinder a valuable supply of health care workers.