
Robotic Surgeries Need Regulatory Attention

Robotic Surgeries Need Regulatory Attention

Lawyers and regulators are concerned about the lack of regulations for the use of robotic technology in surgeries.

Determining the Safety of CBD Products

Determining the Safety of CBD Products

FDA warns consumers that the agency has not evaluated most CBD products and cannot say they are safe.

The Problem with Regulating Combination Products

The Problem with Regulating Combination Products

Unlike new drugs and devices, combination products may fall through the regulatory cracks.

Regulating Vaccination in the United States

Regulating Vaccination in the United States

Recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases fuel debate about vaccine policy.

Challenges in Implementing Brazil’s Universal Health Care

Challenges in Implementing Brazil’s Universal Health Care

Brazil has recently made efforts to streamline the introduction and distribution of drugs.

How Ending an ACA Subsidy Was Worth its Weight in Silver

How Ending an ACA Subsidy Was Worth its Weight in Silver

Court sides with insurance companies in cost-sharing subsidies class action despite their use of “silver loading.”

The Uncertainty of Regulating 3D Organ Printing

The Uncertainty of Regulating 3D Organ Printing

Policymakers around the world are determining how to apply existing regulations to 3D organ printing.

The Next Generation’s Genes

The Next Generation’s Genes

Scholars are divided on how to regulate heritable genome editing.

Relaxing Patient Privacy Laws to Tackle Substance Abuse

Relaxing Patient Privacy Laws to Tackle Substance Abuse

To fight opioid misuse, the U.S. government proposes expanding access to medical records on substance use.

Keeping Candy Safe

Keeping Candy Safe

Scholar argues that FDA can, and should, regulate marijuana edibles.

Regulation and the Opioid Epidemic

Regulation and the Opioid Epidemic

This Saturday Seminar explores how regulation addresses and affects opioid use and addiction.

Promoting Primary Care in Medicine

Promoting Primary Care in Medicine

Experts suggest changing Medicare’s payment structure to encourage physicians to pursue primary care specialties.