
Promoting Primary Care in Medicine

Promoting Primary Care in Medicine

Experts suggest changing Medicare’s payment structure to encourage physicians to pursue primary care specialties.

The Regulatory Battle Over Safe Injection Sites

The Regulatory Battle Over Safe Injection Sites

As the United States struggles with opioid addiction, litigation rages over medically supervised consumption facilities.

Is Health Care Price Transparency Key to Lowering Costs?

Is Health Care Price Transparency Key to Lowering Costs?

A proposed rule seeks to force hospitals to disclose secret prices negotiated with health insurance companies.

When it Comes to Federal Stem Cell Regulation, Less is More

When it Comes to Federal Stem Cell Regulation, Less is More

FDA ought to promote stem cell therapy by easing up on regulation and its aggressive enforcement.

Vaping Products Going Retro Through Regulation

Vaping Products Going Retro Through Regulation

The Trump Administration plans to eliminate flavored vaping products from the market.

Reforming VA’s Response to Military Sexual Trauma

Reforming VA’s Response to Military Sexual Trauma

Agency undermines veterans’ ability to get disability benefits after suffering sexual assault.

Improving Patient Safety for Inpatient Psychiatric Care

Improving Patient Safety for Inpatient Psychiatric Care

Researchers argue that safety efforts have lagged for inpatient psychiatric care.

Human Milk Markets Need Regulation

Human Milk Markets Need Regulation

Scholar says that human milk should be regulated to ensure donor milk is safe, accessible, and affordable.

Fixing the Family Glitch

Fixing the Family Glitch

Ambiguous language in the Affordable Care Act could keep affordable health care out of reach of millions.

The Need for Vaccine Regulation Overhaul

The Need for Vaccine Regulation Overhaul

Legal scholar calls for reform of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

Guidance Documents and the Regulation of Genetically Modified Foods

Guidance Documents and the Regulation of Genetically Modified Foods

Scholars argue that federal agencies should not use guidance documents to regulate controversial issues.

Regulating Genetic Self-Experimentation as Biomedical Research

Regulating Genetic Self-Experimentation as Biomedical Research

Better oversight is needed of the “biohacking” that individuals perform on themselves.