The Problem of Health Information Inequity
Scholar argues that the poor and elderly are most vulnerable to health data security breaches.
Should the United States Create a Human Right to Health Care?
Canada’s experience with treating health care as a right provides lessons for universal health care in America.
Will the Affordable Care Act Die by Non-Enforcement?
U.S. cities file suit to force the Trump Administration to keep Obamacare alive.
More Regulation Needed to Combat Risks From Cosmetics
Scholar argues that the association between cosmetics and femininity has contributed to harmful under-regulation.
The Potential Consequences of the Smoke-Free Public Housing Rule
Scholars argue that HUD’s smoke-free rule misses the mark in efforts to curb smoking.
Responding to Human Germline Editing
Recent allegations over a controversial scientist highlight challenges for regulating medical genetics.
Bringing Sunscreen into the 21st Century
A recent FDA proposed rule would transform over-the-counter sunscreen regulation.
The Uncertain Regulatory Future of Marijuana-Based Oil
Upcoming FDA hearing could set the course for regulatory approval of the burgeoning CBD industry.
Should Pandora’s Brain Be Regulated?
Attempts at regulating machines with human-like intelligence should be of pressing concern.
Making Law Student Mental Health a Priority
Initiatives at Penn Law affirm a commitment to making well-being a priority in its community and the legal profession.
Will an All-Payer System Lower Health Care Costs?
Maryland’s global budgeting scheme for hospitals may be a model for controlling rising health care prices.
FDA and the Future of Youth Smoking
Former Commissioner Scott Gottlieb recently discussed the e-cigarette epidemic among American youth.