The Role of Appropriate Access to Care in Reducing Health System Costs
Improving access to health care can reduce long-term health care costs.
Risk of Measles on the Rise
New York City has taken an unprecedented step to control the spread of measles.
Why Less Suicide Prediction on Social Media Is More
Facebook does not have a viable system to predict suicide in users.
Waiving Away Medicaid
New eligibility requirements for Medicaid threaten those who need coverage the most.
Is the 21st Century Cures Act a Solution or a Problem?
The permissive drug approval process enabled by the 21st Century Cures Act may cause public health problems.
Can Health Regulation Move Beyond Markets?
To improve the health care system, the values Americans have about health care must change.
Improving Front-of-Package Food Health Labeling
Food regulators in the United States should adopt smarter front-of-package labeling to encourage healthier eating.
Modernizing the Human Subjects Regulations
Given its importance in scientific development, human subjects research requires close regulatory attention.
The Institutions for Mental Diseases Exclusion Rule is an Anachronism
The time has come for repealing Medicaid’s Institutions for Mental Diseases Exclusion rule.
Prescription Drug Affordability
The court ruling striking down the Affordable Care Act may get in the way of making drugs affordable.
Defining and Establishing Goals for Medicare for All
Although “Medicare for all” has picked up political traction, how it will materialize remains unclear.
What Tomorrow Holds for U.S. Health Care
Experts offer solutions to pressing issues in American health care.