Addressing the Constitutionality of Federal Quarantine Rules
Scholars say constitutionally shaky infectious disease regulations must yield to better prevention programs.
Should the Federal Government Allow States to Require Medicaid Recipients to Work?
A federal judge strikes a blow to two states’ Medicaid work requirements.
Determining How to Regulate Encapsulated Placenta
Scholar argues that FDA should use a narrowly tailored framework to regulate encapsulated placenta pills.
Got Soy Beverage?
Plant-based milk producers may soon no longer be able to put “milk” on their labels.
The Case for Eating Bugs
Scholar argues FDA should regulate insects as food to help address food insecurity.
Judge Suspends Rules Expanding Exemptions to the Contraceptive Mandate
National injunction stops corporations from claiming religious or moral exemptions to birth control coverage.
How FDA Drug Review Contributed to the Opioid Epidemic
Scholars argue that FDA should use larger health data sets in its approval process for high-risk drugs.
Reforming Regulation to Promote Medical Use of Psychedelic Drugs
Expert argues for altering regulations on psychedelic drugs to treat mental illness and addiction.
Once They Are Tested, Can Genes Stay Private?
Scholars argue that increased use of direct-to-consumer genetic testing creates hidden privacy risks.
Supreme Court to Review Notice Requirements for Medicare Payment Rules
Court’s ruling could determine the procedure for changing hospital reimbursement formulas.
Lessons from State Implementation of Marijuana Legalization
States should learn from each other to confront the challenges of regulating marijuana.
How Regulators Can Increase Price Competition in Health Care
Scholars urge regulators to help level the playing field in contracting between health plans and hospitals.