Regulating Labor Day Parades
Local regulations help ensure that holiday celebrations go off without a hitch.
Pennsylvania Seeks New Approach to Long-Term Medicaid Services
State explores Medicaid changes to improve care for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
The Case Against FDA Regulation of Laboratory-Developed Diagnostic Tests
Scholar argues against proposal to regulate lab-developed tests as medical devices.
The Case for FDA Regulation of Laboratory-Developed Diagnostic Tests
Scholar argues in favor of proposal to regulate lab-developed tests as medical devices.
Applying Tobacco Tax Lessons to Sugary Drinks
Scholar says price minimums and prohibitions on discounts must accompany sugary beverage taxes.
Last Licks for Baseball’s Chewing Tobacco Habit
City and state officials seek to ban chewing tobacco from sports stadiums around the country.
Is Professional Self-Regulation at a Crossroads?
Recent Supreme Court decision is a wake-up call for state licensing boards claiming antitrust immunity.
Do Occupational Licenses Keep Consumers Safer?
Recently released White House report criticizes the rise of occupational licenses, suggests improvements.
Challenges to Country-of-Origin Food Labels
House passes bill to repeal mandatory country-of-origin labels on meat products.
Regulatory Leadership in Tackling Tobacco
Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler recounts his efforts to control cigarettes.
Do Healthier School Lunches Mean More Food Waste?
The debate on plate waste from healthy school lunches continues.
The Regulatory System May Not Be Ready for Synthetic Organisms
As researchers develop organisms that fuel your car, scholars warn that current regulations are not adequate.