Proposition 37: Science, Law, and Consumer Protection
Californians will vote on whether to require the labeling of foods containing genetically modified products.
Expanding Child Protection Online
FTC proposes to “clarify” and “strengthen” online children’s privacy.
OSHA Warns Fracking Employees of Silica Inhalation Risk
Hazard alert highlights a health-related concern about natural gas extraction.
The Need to Protect Health from Fine Particles
EPA must articulate and justify how its ozone decisions protect the public health.
Justice Roberts’s Opinion on Health Care Reform
We excerpt key portions of Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion.
Obamacare and Federalism’s Tug of War Within
A theory of “balanced federalism” may advance the federalism debate over health care reform.
Fat Taxes in Europe
Although the EU probably has the legal authority to impose “fat taxes,” the policy case for doing so needs to be stronger.
Time to Discard the Precautionary Principle at the CPSC
Upcoming phthalate regulations give CPSC an opportunity to reexamine its risk exposure policies.
An Alternative to the Individual Mandate
Nobel Laureate suggests alternative ways to control adverse selection in health insurance markets.
Member of Congress Documents “Loophole” for Medical Device Approval
Advocacy groups join Rep. Markey in calling for reform of FDA review process.
WTO Creates Roadblock to Administration’s Anti-Smoking Initiative
U.S. prohibition of flavored cigarettes violates international trade agreement.