TSA Seeks Comments on Whole Body Imaging at Airports
TSA will install new privacy technology on screening machines in coming weeks.
Despite Recent Safety Record, FAA May Lack Key Data
Recent GAO report details ways to improve aviation safety data collection.
Congress Considers Restricting the Use of Unmanned Aerial Aircraft
Proposed bill would limit the use of drones for surveillance.
Assessing Regulations in the Wake of Disaster
New book argues for careful deliberation before making vast changes to regulatory system.
AT&T Seeks Government Support to Modernize Internet Infrastructure
AT&T petitions the FCC to facilitate experimental transitions to an Internet-based network.
Finance Experts Discuss Future of U.S. Housing System
Penn panel focuses on current housing finance regulatory issues.
Federal Housing Finance Agency Rejects Debt Forgiveness Program
FHFA says statute prevents Fannie and Freddie from adjusting principal.
Pennsylvania to Resume Homeowners Assistance Program
Program that had saved thousands of homes is resuming.
Valuing the Rear-view Camera Rule
NHTSA’s analysis cannot support its conclusion that the benefits justify the costs.
Hearing Raises Questions about Legality of Mining Office Consolidation
Criticisms leveled at Interior Secretary’s decision to move OSM into BLM.
DOE Keeps Its Electricity Transmission Siting Authority
DOE decides not to give FERC transmission line siting power under the Federal Power Act.