Alameda Casts Its Vote for Single-Family Homes
Voters in Alameda, California reject a ballot measure that would have eliminated single-family zoning citywide.
NASA’s Artemis Accords Boost Commercial Space Activity
Bilateral agreements renew debate over private exploitation of outer space resources.
Forty Years After Surface Freight Deregulation
The regulatory reforms of the railroad and trucking industries are models for evidence-based, bipartisan policymaking.
How Land Use Reform Led to More Housing in Houston
Scholars show that reducing minimum lot sizes unleashed a small housing boom in Texas’s largest city.
Zombie Laws Haunt the Energy Market
Scholar argues that energy regulations that once protected consumers now block renewable energy companies.
Networks Owners Rise to the Occasion Even in a Pandemic
Private telecom and transport networks have delivered socially valuable outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Putting the Brakes on Federal Transportation Regulation
Policy experts argue that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s regulatory role should be reduced.
The Continued Grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX
The grounding of the 737 MAX has revealed potential issues in the FAA’s aircraft certification process.
Procedure to Protect Philadelphia
More Philadelphia historic properties could be revitalized with reduced red tape.
Regulating Commercial Space Activity
Scholars address possible strategies to regulate an emerging commercial space industry.
Deregulating Rail Transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas
Proposed rule aims to make it easier to ship liquefied natural gas by rail.