Can You Start a Lawsuit by Mail?
The U.S. Supreme Court will soon decide a case involving the interpretation of a key civil litigation treaty.
Regaining Control After Brexit While Maintaining Membership in the WTO
If Britain has to reapply for WTO membership after Brexit, the process could take years and result in disruption to world trade.
Can Canada School Trump on Regulatory Reform?
As Trump takes aim at regulation, Canada’s experience with regulatory budgeting offers a possible template.
Regulating International Cyberwarfare
Expert proposes approach to determine the optimal regulatory framework for cyberwar.
Hard Brexit Makes Hard Law for EU Financial Services Regulation
A hard Brexit may require an overhaul of the EU’s rules governing its relationship with non-member states.
Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading
Scholar argues that ambitious German regulation on computer trades, although imperfect, is beneficial.
Regulating Earthquakes
In an effort to reduce seismic activity, the Netherlands recently limited natural gas production.
China Addresses Climate Change in its Latest Five-Year Plan
In the 13th Five-Year Plan, China aims to fulfill its commitment in the Paris Agreement.
Can Securities Regulation Stymie Conflict in Africa?
Challenges loom concerning the implementation of a Dodd-Frank provision requiring companies to disclose source minerals from war-torn regions.
Cleaner Clothes Coming to Europe
A recent European Union regulation bans dangerous chemicals in imported apparel.
The Potential Emergence of a Transatlantic Regulatory Partnership
The success of a regulatory partnership between the U.S. and EU depends on its design.