
Regulators Quietly Prepare to Open Chinese Capital Markets

Regulators Quietly Prepare to Open Chinese Capital Markets

Cross-border trading between Shanghai and Hong Kong promises economic opportunity and regulatory challenges.

The Battle over Transatlantic Financial Regulation

The Battle over Transatlantic Financial Regulation

Improved diplomatic processes would help strengthen international economic cooperation.

How Well Do Businesses in India Comply with Regulatory Standards?

How Well Do Businesses in India Comply with Regulatory Standards?

World Bank research study shows substantial noncompliance with key labor law.

Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State

Behavioral Science in the Regulatory State

New research paper examines the challenges and opportunities of a behavioral approach to regulation.

International Approach to Failing Financial Institutions Sought

International Approach to Failing Financial Institutions Sought

U.S. and U.K. regulators stress progress on cross-border agreements.

Judicial Review in American and European Competition Law

Judicial Review in American and European Competition Law

Despite differences, antitrust enforcement models in the U.S. and Europe have some features in common.

WADA Extends the First Doping Offense Ban to 4 Years

WADA Extends the First Doping Offense Ban to 4 Years

The World Anti-Doping Agency ratified the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code.

Kagan the Comparativist

Kagan the Comparativist

Robert A. Kagan’s comparative perspective on American law and politics has set the stage for a productive debate over regulation.

Robert A. Kagan: Man of Style

Robert A. Kagan: Man of Style

Kagan’s insight on legal “styles” paves the way for future regulatory studies and policymaking efforts.

Penn Seminar Explores Risk Management as Instrument for Economic Development

Penn Seminar Explores Risk Management as Instrument for Economic Development

Authors of World Bank report advocate move from ‘crisis fighting’ to systematic risk management.

Global Treaty on Mercury Signed in Japan

Global Treaty on Mercury Signed in Japan

When ratified, new international agreement will require restricted use of mercury by 2020.

European Parliament Divided over Proposed E-Cigarette Regulation

European Parliament Divided over Proposed E-Cigarette Regulation

Final vote on proposal postponed in face of stiff opposition.