
The SEC’s Proposed Crowdfunding Rules Promise Benefits, Raise Concerns

The SEC’s Proposed Crowdfunding Rules Promise Benefits, Raise Concerns

Long-awaited crowdfunding rules increase funding opportunities and risk to investors.

CFPB Publishes International Money Transfer Compliance Procedures

CFPB Publishes International Money Transfer Compliance Procedures

Agency offers institutions guidance on financial regulation compliance.

Do Regulations Kill Jobs?

Do Regulations Kill Jobs?

PPR holds Washington workshop showcasing latest research on employment impacts.

The Case for Structural Reform

The Case for Structural Reform

IMF study stresses need for structural bank reforms to prevent future bailouts.

Federal Reserve Board Implements New Capital Plan Rules

Federal Reserve Board Implements New Capital Plan Rules

New rules amend capital-to-risk ratio requirements.

U.S. Declines Insurance Liability for One Trillion in Foreign Bank Deposits

U.S. Declines Insurance Liability for One Trillion in Foreign Bank Deposits

New rule protects the FDIC from liability for foreign deposits in the event of U.S. bank failure.

Regulating Risk and Governance in Banks

Regulating Risk and Governance in Banks

An analysis of bank governance reveals a new roadmap for regulatory reform.

Former FDIC Head Offers Prescriptions for Fixing Wall Street

Former FDIC Head Offers Prescriptions for Fixing Wall Street

In a lecture at Penn, Sheila Bair offers reforms for U.S. financial system.

Former FDIC Head Offers Prescriptions for Fixing Wall Street

Former FDIC Head Offers Prescriptions for Fixing Wall Street

In a lecture at Penn, Sheila Bair offers reforms for U.S. financial system.

Making a Wall Street Crime Criminal

Making a Wall Street Crime Criminal

The best way to deal with insider trading is to treat it like the crime it is.

Regulatory Entity-Centrism in Financial Services

Regulatory Entity-Centrism in Financial Services

Current focus on the entity may hamper effective regulation of the financial sector.

Will Dueling Standards Improve Worker Safety in Bangladesh?

Will Dueling Standards Improve Worker Safety in Bangladesh?

U.S. and European retailers have adopted two different programs to protect garment workers.