How the Current Siting Regime Stifles Renewable Energy
Scholar argues for changes to siting regulations to speed up renewable energy deployment.
Regulating to Achieve Environmental Justice
Scholars propose novel measures to achieve environmental justice for all.
Changing Federal Land Policy Can Encourage Carbon Capture Projects
Scholar argues for land management policy changes to encourage carbon capture projects on federal land.
Comparing U.S. and Chinese Environmental Risk Regulation
Research comparing risk regulation in the United States and China reveals selective variations, not sharp contrasts.
Confronting the Climate Crisis with Meat Alternatives
Should policymakers invest in plant-based meat and cell-based meat to reduce the climate impact of meat consumption?
The Explosive Problem of Killer Dust
Despite ongoing fatalities, OSHA has no specific regulations in place for combustible dust hazards.
Yes, Curbing U.S. Fossil Fuel Extraction Does Reduce Climate Pollution
Regulators should use a new model that captures the full impact of fossil fuel extraction to inform climate reforms.
Toxic Floods Create Pressing Regulatory Needs
Scholar argues that existing chemical safety regulations fail to prevent hazardous material spills during floods.
Stomping Out the Spotted Lanternfly
The battle against the spotted lanternfly is hobbled by regulatory challenges.
Climate Progress in Glasgow Depends on Domestic Politics
Despite global summits and accords, the solution to climate change rests with individual countries.