Pruitt’s Super-Polluting Parting Shot
Former EPA Administrator’s last action may foreshadow the agency’s future plans for regulating pollution.
The Quagmire Created by National Association of Manufacturers v. DOD
Ruling may lead to protracted and conflicting litigation over EPA’s Clean Water Rule.
Science and Democratic Policy in a Data-Driven World
Public access to data behind regulations should not be a political question.
Deconstructing Regulatory Science
Proposed limits to EPA’s consideration of scientific data threaten timely, sound policymaking.
Increasing EPA’s Scientific Transparency
Despite concerns, environmental agency’s “transparent science” proposed rule supports existing guidelines.
Science, Transparency, and Environmental Policy
Scholars and regulatory commentators debate the significance of EPA’s recently proposed “transparency” rule.
Herbicide Regulators Differ on Whether to Ban Dicamba
Arkansas and EPA take different approaches to regulating a controversial herbicide called dicamba.
Presidential Authority and the Antiquities Act
Scholars contend that the President may revoke monument designations made during previous administrations.
Federal Court Orders EPA to Revisit Lead Risks
Ninth Circuit orders EPA to propose a new standard for lead dust and an updated definition for lead paint.
Regulating by Way of Straws
California legislator proposes regulating straw use in certain restaurants to reduce plastic waste.
After a Federal Climate Policy Retreat, States Should Proceed With Caution
State and local governments must consider the potential legal risks of their climate change policies.
Seizing the Moment with Strategic Climate Strategies for Subnationals
Subnational governments can best succeed when their policies go beyond their own borders.