Let’s Be Real About State and Local Climate Action
Federal action is key to effectively addressing climate change.
Leading on Climate at Every Level
States and subnationals can rise to the challenges posed by climate change.
State and Local Regulation of Climate Change
Subnational regulators face a number of significant challenges as they seek to regulate climate change.
A Farewell to Fracking Regulations
Trump Administration issues final rule rescinding Obama-era fracking regulation.
Trump, EPA, and the Anti-Regulatory State
Ideological polarization and regulatory capture have made 2017 a bad year for EPA.
State Court Breathes Fresh Air into Pennsylvanians’ Environmental Rights
Recent state supreme court decision reaffirms and expands a constitutional duty to preserve natural resources.
Fight Over Fowl Livers Continues in California
A federal appellate court decision could send foie gras off the menu—again.
The Secretary of Energy’s Tariff Proposal Would Be Disastrous
Revising FERC’s open access tariff rules would reverse 40 years of progress.
How the Clean Power Plan’s Repeal Undermines Regulatory Analysis
The Trump Administration’s purported economic justification weakens the credibility of cost-benefit analysis.
Building for Disaster
Data show that more stringent building codes deliver benefits greatly exceeding their costs.
Including Climate Change in Environmental Impact Analyses
D.C. Circuit holds federal energy regulators must consider pipeline project’s impact on climate change.
Agency Removes Yellowstone Grizzly Bears from Endangered Species List
Final rule creates tension between conservationists and wildlife officials.