
Improving Community Involvement in Air Pollution Permitting

Improving Community Involvement in Air Pollution Permitting

Scholar argues that technical assistance grants can spur meaningful involvement in permit decisions.

Technology, Not Subsidies, Is the Key to Electrification

Technology, Not Subsidies, Is the Key to Electrification

Proponents of electrification often overlook its economic drawbacks, including inefficiencies from subsidizing new technologies.

Leveraging Nature-Based Solutions to Tackle Climate Change

Leveraging Nature-Based Solutions to Tackle Climate Change

New joint agency report recommends nature-based solutions to protect frontline communities from climate risks.

The Green Clash Between Renewables and Conservation

The Green Clash Between Renewables and Conservation

Scholars argue that federal agencies can conserve land and still increase renewable energy output.

Confronting the Public Health Threat of Septic Tanks

Confronting the Public Health Threat of Septic Tanks

As climate change amplifies the risks of septic tanks, lawmakers must act to protect their communities.

Electrifying Environmental Justice

Electrifying Environmental Justice

Scholar urges federal land regulators to protect Native American communities from mining harms expected from the transition to electric vehicles.

Solving the Pedestrian Safety Crisis

Solving the Pedestrian Safety Crisis

Scholar explains how NHTSA can regulate to ensure pedestrian safety.

Swimming Upstream Amid Climate Change

Swimming Upstream Amid Climate Change

Scholar discusses possible legal avenues to support salmon conservation during climate change.

Promoting the Climate Benefits of Marine Aquaculture

Promoting the Climate Benefits of Marine Aquaculture

Scholar explores how kelp and shellfish farms can support U.S. climate goals.

EPA Finds Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Cancer Alley

EPA Finds Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Cancer Alley

Black Louisiana residents have been disproportionately burdened by hazardous industrial air pollutants.

Can Financial Regulation Save the Planet?

Can Financial Regulation Save the Planet?

Scholars assess whether the financial sector should lead the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Net-Zero Emission Pledges May Not Lead to Full Decarbonization

Net-Zero Emission Pledges May Not Lead to Full Decarbonization

Examining countries’ net-zero pledges reveals variations and loopholes that will allow for slippage in climate progress.