Preparing the New Market for Meat Alternatives
As the alternative meat industry takes off, regulation will confront a new frontier.
Immigration Surveillance in Health Care
Scholar calls for increased protections for noncitizens within the health care system.
Protecting Abortion Post-Roe
Scholars offer suggestions for protecting abortion rights if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.
Who is Your Health Insurer?
More employers self-fund health insurance plans, bypassing state regulation and potentially increasing costs.
Sniffing Out New Regulation
Scholars propose to modify the current regulatory regime for animal-based medical diagnostics.
Last Federal Mask Mandate Standing
A federal judge rules CDC cannot require travelers to wear masks on airplanes or public transportation.
Help International Medical Graduates Help Us
In the United States, immigration and administrative barriers hinder a valuable supply of health care workers.
Hidden Racial Disparities in FDA-Required Research
Current testing practices in the pharmaceutical industry exploit social and racial inequities.
CMS Confronts an Increase in Medicare Part B Premiums
CMS reconsiders a recent Medicare premium increase after restricting coverage for a controversial new drug.
The Viral Injustice of HIV Criminalization
Scholar argues that HIV criminalization laws should be replaced with public health policies.