
Keeping School Children Fed and Healthy

Keeping School Children Fed and Healthy

School lunch regulation takes on new importance during COVID-19, as families struggle to access nutritious meals.

Telecare for All

Telecare for All

Telehealth regulations seek to expand health care for underserved patients in rural areas.

Will Deregulation in Health Care Become the New Normal?

Will Deregulation in Health Care Become the New Normal?

The Trump Administration’s deregulatory response to COVID-19 is temporary and will not have a lasting impact on U.S. health care.

The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

Starting in 2022, food producers will be required to label genetically engineered foods.

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

A concurring opinion leaves the standard for determining the constitutionality of abortion restrictions in doubt.

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

State and local governments should embrace farmers market managers’ input on food regulation during the pandemic.

Using Subjective Evidence in FDA Review

Using Subjective Evidence in FDA Review

Scholars call for greater transparency in how FDA uses subjective evidence in treatments for brain injuries.

Regulating Complaints in Human Subjects Research

Regulating Complaints in Human Subjects Research

Scholar examines the institutional review board process for resolving disputes in human subjects research.

Expanding Care Through Coordination

Expanding Care Through Coordination

The federal government seeks to improve out-of-state health services for children on Medicaid.

Will State Public Options Deliver on Health Care Reform?

Will State Public Options Deliver on Health Care Reform?

States developing public options may offer the federal government valuable lessons in expanding access to care at a lower cost.

Rationing Scarce Medical Resources

Rationing Scarce Medical Resources

The COVID-19 pandemic raises questions about how decision-makers should distribute medical resources.

Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Crisis

Telemedicine During the COVID-19 Crisis

With medical systems overwhelmed during the pandemic, telemedicine could be here to stay.