
Gene Editing of Human Embryos Prompts Calls For Regulation

Gene Editing of Human Embryos Prompts Calls For Regulation

Despite ethical concerns, scholar argues that gene editing of human embryos should not be banned.

Regulating Food Advertising to Children

Regulating Food Advertising to Children

Scholars propose accountability model to regulate how food is marketed to children.

Improving Federal Regulation of Medical Algorithms

Improving Federal Regulation of Medical Algorithms

Scholar argues that FDA should reform its regulation of algorithm-based medicine.

Regulating the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Regulating the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Scholar praises a California law that widely eliminates antibiotics use in the livestock industry.

Department of Agriculture Withdraws Revisions to Organic Standards

Department of Agriculture Withdraws Revisions to Organic Standards

USDA withdraws an Obama-era rule that would have set animal welfare standards for organic foods.

Doctors or Devices?

Doctors or Devices?

Scholar weighs the possibility of regulating medical artificial intelligence like human professionals.

Allowing Students to Access Sunscreen Without Restriction

Allowing Students to Access Sunscreen Without Restriction

Legislatures reconsider whether students can access sunscreen in school without a doctor’s note.

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key

Scholar argues that recent FDA regulations may keep smokers in the dark about e-cigarettes.

Addressing the International Legal Challenges of Genetic Engineering

Addressing the International Legal Challenges of Genetic Engineering

In keynote address, Gary Marchant discusses the transnational implications of genetic engineering.

How Much of an Income Drop Will Take a Life?

How Much of an Income Drop Will Take a Life?

Policymakers should consider the impact of their decisions on not just wealth, but also human life.

Yams v. Sweet Potatoes

Yams v. Sweet Potatoes

Thanksgiving offers chance to explore scientific and regulatory distinctions in popular holiday fare.

How FDA Should Use Its Authority to Regulate Human Cells

How FDA Should Use Its Authority to Regulate Human Cells

FDA should encourage states to be the primary regulators of stem cell procedures.