
Will OMB Make the Right Decision on Menu Labeling?

Will OMB Make the Right Decision on Menu Labeling?

Requiring grocery stores to display calories may be too costly for its purported benefits.

Improving Drug Safety Regulation after the Meningitis Outbreak

Improving Drug Safety Regulation after the Meningitis Outbreak

Congress should provide FDA with clearer authority and increased resources.

A Prescription for the FDA

A Prescription for the FDA

To solve fundamental problems, food and drug safety agency must adapt.

Poisoned Alcohol in the Czech Republic

Poisoned Alcohol in the Czech Republic

Recent deaths shed light on the possible dangers of uncoordinated regulatory policy.

The Regulatory Blame Game

The Regulatory Blame Game

Criticism of FDA over meningitis outbreak repeats a familiar pattern of regulatory blame.

Regulating the Cranberry

Regulating the Cranberry

Thanksgiving staple faces a surprisingly complex web of regulations.

States Face Critical Health Reform Deadline

States Face Critical Health Reform Deadline

States must decide whether they will create their own insurance exchanges.

FDA Further Appeals Loss over Graphic Tobacco Packages Regulation

FDA Further Appeals Loss over Graphic Tobacco Packages Regulation

Agency seeks further review of lower court decision on graphic warnings rule.

States Waiting to Decide on Medicaid Expansion

States Waiting to Decide on Medicaid Expansion

Majority of states appear to be waiting until after next week’s election.

VP Candidates Clash Over Medicare Proposals

VP Candidates Clash Over Medicare Proposals

Candidates dispute impact of Obamacare and Romney-Ryan plan.

Report Highlights Difficulties with Regulating Federal Grants

Report Highlights Difficulties with Regulating Federal Grants

GAO identifies oversight challenges in administering federal grants to state and local governments.

FDA Finds Arsenic in Many Rice Products

FDA Finds Arsenic in Many Rice Products

Federal food safety agency says cutting rice consumption would be premature.