
Are Psychedelics Safe Enough for Recreational Use?

Are Psychedelics Safe Enough for Recreational Use?

Policymakers should account for the relatively low risks of psychedelics use when deciding how to regulate them.

A Roadmap to Reimbursement for Psychedelics

A Roadmap to Reimbursement for Psychedelics

Insurance reimbursement for psychedelic therapy is integral to treatment accessibility.

Branching Regulatory Paths and Dead Ends in Psychedelics

Branching Regulatory Paths and Dead Ends in Psychedelics

The convergence of current psychedelics regulatory pathways may bring benefits and new challenges.

Examining Health Care Equities

Examining Health Care Equities

Allison K. Hoffman discusses the role of state ballot initiatives, federal law, and private equity in the U.S. health care system.

Making Workplaces Safer Through Machine Learning

Making Workplaces Safer Through Machine Learning

OSHA should use machine learning to improve the effectiveness of its regulatory inspections.

Clearing the Cloud on E-Cigarette Regulation

Clearing the Cloud on E-Cigarette Regulation

Scholar calls for regulation to counter cigarette addiction while limiting increased vaping among non-smokers.

The Bounded Triumph of Health Care Ballot Initiatives

The Bounded Triumph of Health Care Ballot Initiatives

Medicaid expansion ballot initiatives show state referenda can expand health care access—but they have their limits.

The Telehealth of Tomorrow

The Telehealth of Tomorrow

Scholar calls on Congress to expand telehealth services in rural parts of the United States.

Is It Time to End Animal Testing?

Is It Time to End Animal Testing?

Scholars recommend regulators promote alternatives to experiments conducted on animals.

FDA’s Minimal Authority over Dietary Supplements

FDA’s Minimal Authority over Dietary Supplements

Scholars urge Congress to give FDA more power to regulate dietary supplements.

Cutting Corners on COVID-19 Treatments?

Cutting Corners on COVID-19 Treatments?

Scholars analyze FDA’s emergency use authorizations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How States Can Improve Contraceptive Access

How States Can Improve Contraceptive Access

A recent report proposes state-level reforms to allow pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives.