
Cleaning Up “Clean” Food Labeling

Cleaning Up “Clean” Food Labeling

Scholars propose avenues to improving the regulation of clean food labels.

The Fatal Flaws in the “Abortion Pill” Decision

The Fatal Flaws in the “Abortion Pill” Decision

By second-guessing FDA safety determinations, the Fifth Circuit challenges the Supreme Court to restore agency deference.

Small-Scale Solutions to the Large-Scale Drug Crisis

Small-Scale Solutions to the Large-Scale Drug Crisis

Expert advocates a variety of policies that local governments can take to combat increasing fatalities from drug overdoses.

How Patents Contribute to High Drug Prices

How Patents Contribute to High Drug Prices

Patents covering drugs selected for Medicare price negotiation show how patents influence drug prices.

Supplementing Dietary Supplement Regulation

Supplementing Dietary Supplement Regulation

Experts recommend measures to improve the regulation of dietary supplements.

HHS Selects Drugs for Medicare Price Negotiation

HHS Selects Drugs for Medicare Price Negotiation

Biden Administration introduces price regulation to the pharmaceutical industry.

Patching Up Medical Device Cybersecurity Regulation

Patching Up Medical Device Cybersecurity Regulation

Researchers explore the optimal cost-benefit considerations of medical device cybersecurity risks.

Medical Debt Collection

Medical Debt Collection

Experts discuss how regulators can protect consumers from aggressive collection practices.

How Fixing the Past May Create Future Regulatory Problems

How Fixing the Past May Create Future Regulatory Problems

Scholar argues that generational amnesia may lead to ineffective regulatory solutions in the future.

Regulating Speech About a Drug’s Off-Label Uses

Regulating Speech About a Drug’s Off-Label Uses

Scholar argues that FDA should adopt an evidenced-based approach to regulating drug manufacturers’ speech.

Protecting Medical Privacy on Your Wrist

Protecting Medical Privacy on Your Wrist

Scholar argues for greater privacy protections of personal medical data collected by wearable health technologies.

States Renew Push for Medicaid Work Requirements

States Renew Push for Medicaid Work Requirements

Scholars evaluate the impact of work requirements on Medicaid beneficiaries.