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Improve the Social Cost of Carbon, Do Not Replace It

Improve the Social Cost of Carbon, Do Not Replace It

Despite some scholars’ criticisms, the social cost of carbon is a useful tool for crafting U.S. climate policy.

Smoking Out E-Cigarettes

Smoking Out E-Cigarettes

Scholars examine the regulation of electronic cigarettes and their impact on public health.

New Hospital Standards Fight Maternal Mortality

New Hospital Standards Fight Maternal Mortality

Health care standards organization rolls out new requirements to reduce racial disparities in health outcomes.

Establishing Economies on Indian Reservations

Establishing Economies on Indian Reservations

Promoting business development and economic independence on reservations is crucial to sustaining tribal communities.

The Cowboy State Tames Bitcoin’s Regulatory Wild West

The Cowboy State Tames Bitcoin’s Regulatory Wild West

Wyoming’s first cryptocurrency bank may herald a new era of U.S. cryptocurrency regulation.

Promoting Indian Child Welfare Through Inquiry and Data

Promoting Indian Child Welfare Through Inquiry and Data

Data collection on Native American involvement in adoption and foster care is needed to remedy courts’ failures.

Strengthening the Stem Cell Industry Through Better Regulation

Strengthening the Stem Cell Industry Through Better Regulation

FDA should take steps to strengthen the regenerative medicine industry.

Rules for Acknowledging a Broken Trust

Rules for Acknowledging a Broken Trust

In the battle for self-determination, unrecognized Indian tribes can petition for federal acknowledgment.

A Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Passport System Is Still Premature

A Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Passport System Is Still Premature

Questions of equity, access, and privacy demand answers before a vaccine passport will work.

Equity and Justice Should Begin at Home

Equity and Justice Should Begin at Home

Federal public lands agencies should prioritize the inclusion and fair treatment of all employees.

Maintaining the Regulatory Big Pitcher

Maintaining the Regulatory Big Pitcher

Scholars discuss beer regulations and the regulatory challenges facing the industry.

Expanding Home Confinement During COVID-19

Expanding Home Confinement During COVID-19

A regulatory remedy can help reduce the federal prison population during the pandemic.