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The Accredited Investor Exemption Must Go

The Accredited Investor Exemption Must Go

Scholar argues that the SEC should protect investors by requiring greater disclosures for private offerings.

The Constitutional Foundations of Communications Law and Policy

The Constitutional Foundations of Communications Law and Policy

The government must recognize constitutional property and free speech rights in communications law and policy.

The Justice Department Should Preserve Home Confinement

The Justice Department Should Preserve Home Confinement

The Biden Administration should reject arguments to re-incarcerate people released from prison during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is Your Dietary Supplement Safe?

Is Your Dietary Supplement Safe?

Scholars warn that FDA’s regulation of dietary supplements could pose health risks to consumers.

Finding Common Rules to Wrangle Big Data

Finding Common Rules to Wrangle Big Data

Scholar argues for unified rules of data governance to achieve fairness, efficiency, and stability.

Rallying Around Paid Family Leave

Rallying Around Paid Family Leave

Stakeholders weigh in on a potential federal paid-leave program.

Oh, When the Feds Go Marching-In

Oh, When the Feds Go Marching-In

Marching-in could allow federal government to commercialize inventions, but at the expense of patent rights.

Time to Rescue the Rescue Dog Industry?

Time to Rescue the Rescue Dog Industry?

Rescue dog groups may be exacerbating the very problem they claim to address.

How a Racist Home Loan Program Created a Climate Crisis

How a Racist Home Loan Program Created a Climate Crisis

Two of the United States’ biggest challenges converge on urban heat islands.

Compassionate Release During COVID-19

Compassionate Release During COVID-19

Administrative and judicial processes offer those incarcerated in federal prisons a path home.

Inside Insider Trading

Inside Insider Trading

Scholars propose regulatory and legislative changes to increase oversight of insider trading.

Regulatory Reset

Regulatory Reset

The Biden memorandum signals continuity in some areas of regulatory practice and dramatic shifts in others.