
The parent category for sub-categories designated as an essay’s, “primary” category. DO NOT classify an essay as existing in this category, DO designate the essay with only one of the sub-categories AND the matching category at the root level of categories. This will allow us to display only the primary category for the story on essay’s synopsis while continuing to show it on other category pages.

Can Robocalls Be Stopped?

Can Robocalls Be Stopped?

Scholars propose solutions to endless robocalling.

Clergy and COVID-19

Clergy and COVID-19

A federal agency resolves religious discrimination complaints about restrictions on clergy hospital visits.

Aggravating the U.S. Physician Shortage

Aggravating the U.S. Physician Shortage

Immigration law exacerbates the growing need for physicians in the United States.

Featured Regulatory Series of 2020

Featured Regulatory Series of 2020

The Regulatory Review revisits its series published over the past year.

Whose American History?

Whose American History?

President Trump signs an executive order to encourage a focus on liberty in public school history curricula.

Top Staff Essays of 2020

Top Staff Essays of 2020

The Regulatory Review highlights the top regulatory stories written by our staff in 2020.

Regulating the Food Supply Chain Through Blockchain

Regulating the Food Supply Chain Through Blockchain

Blockchain technology could help the international fight against food product fraud.

Milton Friedman Versus Jeff Bezos on Climate Leadership

Milton Friedman Versus Jeff Bezos on Climate Leadership

Firms that address climate change mitigate political risk and protect their reputation, while maximizing profit.

Top Contributor Essays of 2020

Top Contributor Essays of 2020

The Regulatory Review highlights the top essays written by our contributors in 2020.

Industrialized Agricultural Facilities’ Impact on U.S. Waters

Industrialized Agricultural Facilities’ Impact on U.S. Waters

Experts say that EPA’s limited authority over concentrated animal feeding operations perpetuates pollution.

Improving Consumer Finance by Regulation

Improving Consumer Finance by Regulation

In a pioneer study, scholar offers advice on how to regulate consumer finance.

NASA’s Artemis Accords Boost Commercial Space Activity

NASA’s Artemis Accords Boost Commercial Space Activity

Bilateral agreements renew debate over private exploitation of outer space resources.