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Thinking Harder and Smarter About Wildland Fire

Thinking Harder and Smarter About Wildland Fire

As millions of acres burn along the West Coast, the United States must improve the way it manages forest fires.

FDA and the Importation of Prescription Drugs

FDA and the Importation of Prescription Drugs

Scholars evaluate a recent FDA rule that creates an importation program for Canadian prescription drugs.

Relieving the Grieving

Relieving the Grieving

President Trump should allow the federal government to help Americans facing the funeral costs of COVID-19 victims.

Broken Landscapes, Brown Beauty

Broken Landscapes, Brown Beauty

Law students, lawyers, and academics need to reflect on efforts to make legal academia more inclusive.

The Biden Administration Should Abandon the Case Against Google

The Biden Administration Should Abandon the Case Against Google

Government antitrust actions do not work in a high-technology market in which big businesses prove more efficient.

Diversity and Exclusion Within Legal Education

Diversity and Exclusion Within Legal Education

Empirical data suggest that law schools must do more to promote inclusion, not just diversity.

Unlocking Psychedelics’ Medical Potential

Unlocking Psychedelics’ Medical Potential

Scholars critique the regulation of psychedelic substances and propose reforms for medical research and use.

Pennsylvania’s Misguided Sentencing Risk-Assessment Reform

Pennsylvania’s Misguided Sentencing Risk-Assessment Reform

New risk-forecasting tool reinforces racial disparities and emphasizes future risk in criminal sentencing.

Climate Change Is a Systemic Financial Risk

Climate Change Is a Systemic Financial Risk

Corporate counsel should heed regulators’ warnings that climate change is a risk to the financial industry.

A CBO for Racial Inequality?

A CBO for Racial Inequality?

A new oversight agency should monitor the Federal Reserve’s efforts to reduce racial inequality.

The Rise of the Political Text Message

The Rise of the Political Text Message

The FCC gives political campaigns the long-awaited green light on peer-to-peer text messaging.

OIRA’s Impact on Rulemaking

OIRA’s Impact on Rulemaking

Interest groups that lobby OIRA impact public policy, yet OIRA’s role as a regulatory gatekeeper remains understudied.