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FERC’s Carbon Blind Spot

FERC’s Carbon Blind Spot

Critics argue that a federal regulator’s failure to address climate change clashes with the goal of efficient markets.

The ADA, Telework, and the Post-Pandemic Workplace

The ADA, Telework, and the Post-Pandemic Workplace

The EEOC should update its guidance to encourage employers to provide telework as a reasonable accommodation.

Telecare for All

Telecare for All

Telehealth regulations seek to expand health care for underserved patients in rural areas.

Mergers That Monopolize Labor Should Not Pass Go

Mergers That Monopolize Labor Should Not Pass Go

Scholars argue that courts could interpret the Clayton Act to prevent mergers that result in lowering wages.

Heuristics and Small Business Response to Regulation

Heuristics and Small Business Response to Regulation

Applying behavioral economics to the study of regulation could help improve attitudes among business owners.

Does Regulation Chill Cryptocurrency Trading?

Does Regulation Chill Cryptocurrency Trading?

Regulations have not decreased cryptocurrency trading within some U.S. and foreign markets.

Regulating the Use of Genetic Information

Regulating the Use of Genetic Information

Scholar advocates expanding federal legal protections against genetic discrimination.

Making Social Media Self-Regulation More User-Centered

Making Social Media Self-Regulation More User-Centered

Scholar argues that social media companies should be more democratic in restricting political advertisements.

Will Deregulation in Health Care Become the New Normal?

Will Deregulation in Health Care Become the New Normal?

The Trump Administration’s deregulatory response to COVID-19 is temporary and will not have a lasting impact on U.S. health care.

The Trump Administration’s Latest Unconstitutional Power Grab

The Trump Administration’s Latest Unconstitutional Power Grab

A revised CEQ rule seeks to limit judicial review of agency action, threatening the separation of powers.

The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

The Newest Label Coming to a Grocery Store Near You

Starting in 2022, food producers will be required to label genetically engineered foods.

The Power of the Paris Agreement

The Power of the Paris Agreement

Scholars assert that the accord has achieved more than would be expected of a non-binding agreement.