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Zero-Calorie Conundrum

Zero-Calorie Conundrum

Scholars assess the state of food-additive regulation.

Leveling Up Agency Disclosures

Leveling Up Agency Disclosures

Scholars offer recommendations for expanding public access to agencies’ legal documents.

Establishing Regulatory Guardrails for Elderly Drivers

Establishing Regulatory Guardrails for Elderly Drivers

Scholars urge state lawmakers to strengthen driving regulations for seniors to address public safety concerns.

Navigating Neurotechnological Regulations

Navigating Neurotechnological Regulations

Researchers address the challenges regulators face in protecting the public amid the rapid growth of neurotechnologies.

The King (Presumptively) May Do No Wrong

The King (Presumptively) May Do No Wrong

In Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court has expanded executive power and elevated the President above the law.

The Supreme Court as Enabler in Chief

The Supreme Court as Enabler in Chief

The Supreme Court’s recent decision on presidential immunity threatens the survival of the American Republic.

Preventing Payola in the Music Industry

Preventing Payola in the Music Industry

Scholars discuss the practice of payola in the music industry and reforms to promote fairness for artists.

Improving Timeliness in Agency Adjudication

Improving Timeliness in Agency Adjudication

Agencies should investigate the factors affecting adjudication timeliness and subsequently adopt the appropriate ACUS recommendations for improvement.

User Fees Imposed by Federal Agencies

User Fees Imposed by Federal Agencies

ACUS recommends transparency and oversight be provided whenever agencies collect user fees.

ACUS Adopts Recommendations For Best Practices in Informal Adjudication

ACUS Adopts Recommendations For Best Practices in Informal Adjudication

A new recommendation aims to improve fairness of federal administrative adjudication.

Two Neglected Effects of Loper Bright

Two Neglected Effects of Loper Bright

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Chevron may have two salutary effects on administrative law.

Identifying and Reducing Burdens in Administrative Processes

Identifying and Reducing Burdens in Administrative Processes

Scholars propose strategies to lower the procedural hurdles of obtaining benefits.