Using Subjective Evidence in FDA Review
Scholars call for greater transparency in how FDA uses subjective evidence in treatments for brain injuries.
The Future of Maine’s Food Sovereignty Movement
The increasing popularity of municipal regulation over food production in Maine may attract federal preemption challenges.
The Emerging Connections Between Income Distribution and Regulation
New quantitative analytics tools help economists understand links between regulation and income stratification.
Ending Legislative Impotence
A recent Supreme Court case suggests Congress needs new processes to legislate effectively and overcome partisanship.
Megaregulation on the Global Stage
Scholars argue that the Trans-Pacific Partnership represents a new form of international ordering and regulatory governance.
One Step Toward a More Just Society
A constitutional amendment for voting procedures is necessary to protect the right to vote for all Americans.
Explaining the Supreme Court’s DACA Decision
A recent Supreme Court decision maintains protection for people who arrived to the United States as children.
Is Corporate Criminal Punishment Just Another Cost of Doing Business?
Entity-level fines may not adequately deter corporate crime compared to other enforcement mechanisms.
Law, Leadership, and Legitimacy in a Time of Disease
This publication’s COVID-19 series offers vital lessons about law and effective governance in response to public health threats.
Tracking Legal Responses to COVID-19
The Regulatory Review’s extensive COVID-19 global series exemplifies Penn Law’s international and cross-disciplinary strengths.
Managing Adjudicators’ Information Access in the Internet Age
ACUS issues new recommendation to help agency adjudicators conduct online independent research.
Comparative Administrative Law Matters in the Fight Against COVID-19
The Regulatory Review’s global COVID-19 series offers valuable lessons that can help improve administrative law and policy.