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Reform Congress to Rein In the Administrative State

Reform Congress to Rein In the Administrative State

Empowering Congress to fulfill its constitutional role can ensure regulation without administrative bureaucracy.

Is the Trump Administration Closing the Door on Asylum Seekers?

Is the Trump Administration Closing the Door on Asylum Seekers?

DHS proposes implementing asylum application fees and extending applicants’ pre-employment waiting period.

A Stronger Separation of Powers for Administrative Agencies

A Stronger Separation of Powers for Administrative Agencies

A better model for the administrative state includes both agency expertise and congressional oversight for major regulations.

Challenges in Implementing Brazil’s Universal Health Care

Challenges in Implementing Brazil’s Universal Health Care

Brazil has recently made efforts to streamline the introduction and distribution of drugs.

A Constitutional Defense of the Administrative State

A Constitutional Defense of the Administrative State

A new theory of administrative separation of powers protects modern government from its challengers.

Administrative Constitutionalism’s Lessons

Administrative Constitutionalism’s Lessons

The administrative state can teach us about the Constitution’s guarantee of liberty and separation of powers.

Constitutional Questions and the Administrative State

Constitutional Questions and the Administrative State

Scholars explore questions about how agencies shape and are shaped by the U.S. Constitution.

Ensuring Equal Education for Youth with Disabilities

Ensuring Equal Education for Youth with Disabilities

This Saturday Seminar explores successes and challenges in implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

Many Shades of the Green New Deal

Many Shades of the Green New Deal

Democratic primary candidates are competing to define the scale and scope of climate action.

How Ending an ACA Subsidy Was Worth its Weight in Silver

How Ending an ACA Subsidy Was Worth its Weight in Silver

Court sides with insurance companies in cost-sharing subsidies class action despite their use of “silver loading.”

The Uncertainty of Regulating 3D Organ Printing

The Uncertainty of Regulating 3D Organ Printing

Policymakers around the world are determining how to apply existing regulations to 3D organ printing.

Is Regulation Good for Business?

Is Regulation Good for Business?

Former CFPB Director argues that businesses often prefer clear prescriptive rules over general standards.