The Trump Administration Takes Aim at Migratory Birds
Attorneys argue that Department of Interior enforcement practices threaten migratory birds.
Examining the Past and Future of Copyright Regulation
Scholar discusses how the Copyright Office could exercise broader rulemaking power.
Private Standards and Public Governance
New book offers crucial insights into how private standards can complement if not substitute for regulation.
Antitrust and the Future of Big Tech
Technology giants face growing scrutiny from Congress and regulators over their dominance.
Interpretive Rules in Practice
A new ACUS recommendation on interpretive rules largely aligns with a prior one on policy statements.
The Future of Administrative Law Judge Selection
ACUS sets out new recommendations for agency hiring of ALJs.
Making Guidance Available to the Public
ACUS recommends agencies take steps to make their guidance more accessible.
Prioritizing Accessibility and Clarity in Agency Actions
Scholars analyze ACUS recommendations addressing public access to guidance, ALJ hiring procedures, and interpretive rules.
Empirical Evidence in the Administration of Family Law
Scholar proposes framework for the use of empirical evidence in child welfare policies.
Regulating Digital Mapping Technology
Scholars propose mechanisms for regulating augmented reality technology.
How to Improve Allocations of Regulatory Authority
A recent dispute illustrates how policymakers often miss crucial insights about structuring government.