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Regulating Cryptocurrencies

Regulating Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have attracted the attention of regulators worldwide.

Bringing Home the Bacon on Climate Change

Bringing Home the Bacon on Climate Change

The lack of regulation on animals’ greenhouse gas emissions opens the door for climate change litigation.

Would a National Popular Vote Make Every Vote Count?

Would a National Popular Vote Make Every Vote Count?

Proposed legislation could change state regulations that allocate presidential electoral votes.

Could DHS Rescind DACA Based On Litigation Risk?

Could DHS Rescind DACA Based On Litigation Risk?

Agency predictions of court behavior are not always a tenable justification for rescission.

The Global Trade Order Going Out with a Whimper

The Global Trade Order Going Out with a Whimper

The World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement system is in danger of collapse.

Understand the Internet’s Most Important Law Before Changing It

Understand the Internet’s Most Important Law Before Changing It

To determine whether to modify liability protection for internet companies, more information will be needed.

Where’s the Plant-Based Beef?

Where’s the Plant-Based Beef?

Scholar argues for promotion of environmentally conscious plant-based diets through regulation.

Promoting Primary Care in Medicine

Promoting Primary Care in Medicine

Experts suggest changing Medicare’s payment structure to encourage physicians to pursue primary care specialties.

The Regulatory Battle Over Safe Injection Sites

The Regulatory Battle Over Safe Injection Sites

As the United States struggles with opioid addiction, litigation rages over medically supervised consumption facilities.

The Semi-Autonomous Administrative State

The Semi-Autonomous Administrative State

Administrative law should move past its dichotomous debate over agency independence.

Put the Phone Down

Put the Phone Down

Scholar argues that the government should regulate app developers to prevent technology addiction.

Is Health Care Price Transparency Key to Lowering Costs?

Is Health Care Price Transparency Key to Lowering Costs?

A proposed rule seeks to force hospitals to disclose secret prices negotiated with health insurance companies.