FTC v. Qualcomm, Antitrust, and Intellectual Property
A significant federal court decision expands on the relationship between antitrust and intellectual property law.
OMB’s New Approach to Agency Guidance Documents
Research fellow argues that a recent OMB memo could improve regulatory lawmaking.
Is Insurance Regulation Unconstitutional?
Scholar argues that the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’s power to regulate violates states’ constitutions.
Supreme Court Examines Liquor Retail Regulations
The Court’s decision will weigh states’ regulatory powers against concerns of economic protectionism.
Curbing Ticket Bots
GAO describes potential solutions to limit the use of automated software in the ticket marketplace.
Public Engagement in Rulemaking
Agencies should work to expand public engagement efforts beyond notice and comment.
Recusal Rules for Administrative Adjudicators
ACUS’s recommendation on recusal could improve federal agency adjudication.
Hurdles in Building Public-Private Partnerships
Guidance from ACUS could help agencies navigate partnerships with the private sector.
Accessing Agency Procedure
The Administrative Conference of the United States recommends greater transparency about agency procedure.
Responding to Human Germline Editing
Recent allegations over a controversial scientist highlight challenges for regulating medical genetics.
Improving Regulations.gov
Implementing ACUS recommendations would enhance access to rulemaking materials.
Guiding Agencies to Improve Transparency and Efficiency
Scholars analyze ACUS recommendations to improve efficiency, public access, and transparency in agency procedures.