What Tomorrow Holds for U.S. Health Care
Experts offer solutions to pressing issues in American health care.
Which of Trump’s Regulatory Reforms Are Likely to Last?
In its novel effort to bring independent agency regulations under White House oversight, the Trump Administration may have found a lasting legacy.
The Black Box of College Admissions
State legislators and the U.S. Education Department are scrutinizing college admissions practices.
Are Mutual Funds Bad for U.S. Consumers?
Regulators consider whether mutual funds’ common ownership of competing companies is bad for consumers.
Tribal Regulation of Single-Use Plastics
As the federal government and many state governments fail to address plastic waste, Indian tribes become policy innovators.
Poetry Inspires Hope and Climate Action
Poetry can help combat despair and act as a force for optimism and change.
Combatting Deregulation with Regulatory Horcruxes
Scholar argues that spreading regulatory authority may insulate programs from future deregulatory pressures.
Regulating Alaska’s Salmon
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game monitors effect of hatchery salmon on wild stocks.
Addressing the Constitutionality of Federal Quarantine Rules
Scholars say constitutionally shaky infectious disease regulations must yield to better prevention programs.
Statutory Clarity and Judicial Review of Regulatory Impact Analysis
Precise statutory language corresponds to better benefit-cost analysis and more consistent judicial review.
Should the Federal Government Allow States to Require Medicaid Recipients to Work?
A federal judge strikes a blow to two states’ Medicaid work requirements.
Conflicting Interpretations of Worker Classification
Workers in some states may now be classified as both independent contractors and employees.