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Crossing the Regulatory Divide to Enhance Societal Well-Being

Crossing the Regulatory Divide to Enhance Societal Well-Being

Requiring EPA cost-benefit analysis could ensure that regulations do more good than harm.

Putting Trump’s “Affordable Clean Energy” Plan in Perspective

Putting Trump’s “Affordable Clean Energy” Plan in Perspective

Recent proposed rule can be better understood by considering the fate of the Clean Power Plan in the Supreme Court.

Regulating Cost-Benefit Analysis

Regulating Cost-Benefit Analysis

EPA’s advance notice raises fundamental questions about how the agency should weigh costs and benefits.

Consistency and Transparency in Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis

Consistency and Transparency in Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis

Experts debate EPA’s recent move to consider regulating its own cost-benefit analyses.

Working for Welfare Not Faring Well?

Working for Welfare Not Faring Well?

Analysts debate the effectiveness of work requirements for recipients of cash assistance in Kansas.

How Regulation Can Improve Surgery

How Regulation Can Improve Surgery

Scholar argues that agencies should collect evidence on surgical procedures to help implement best practices.

Regulating Instagram Posts

Regulating Instagram Posts

Author argues that FTC disclosure rules may infringe upon endorsers’ right to free speech.

Regulating Sober Living Homes

Regulating Sober Living Homes

Public officials and sober living home operators dispute whether sober living homes need more oversight.

Nuclear Energy at the Forefront of States’ Clean Energy Policies

Nuclear Energy at the Forefront of States’ Clean Energy Policies

Expert argues that courts should not strike down state programs that subsidize nuclear power plants.

The Changing Meaning of Transparency

The Changing Meaning of Transparency

Scholar argues that despite progressive roots, U.S. transparency laws have taken an anti-government focus.

Gene Editing of Human Embryos Prompts Calls For Regulation

Gene Editing of Human Embryos Prompts Calls For Regulation

Despite ethical concerns, scholar argues that gene editing of human embryos should not be banned.

Thinking Through OIRA Review of Tax Regulations

Thinking Through OIRA Review of Tax Regulations

OIRA review of significant tax rules raises new questions about the shape of centralized administrative oversight.