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A Recipe for Improving Regulatory Analysis

A Recipe for Improving Regulatory Analysis

President Trump’s first year in office prompts four steps for reform.

The Unexpected Consequences of Private Regulatory Standards

The Unexpected Consequences of Private Regulatory Standards

A globally recognized certifiable standard could correct market failure and improve product quality.

Finding a Path Back to Democratic Governance

Finding a Path Back to Democratic Governance

Eliminating the primary and caucus rules would create a more productive and responsive democracy.

After a Federal Climate Policy Retreat, States Should Proceed With Caution

After a Federal Climate Policy Retreat, States Should Proceed With Caution

State and local governments must consider the potential legal risks of their climate change policies.

Seizing the Moment with Strategic Climate Strategies for Subnationals

Seizing the Moment with Strategic Climate Strategies for Subnationals

Subnational governments can best succeed when their policies go beyond their own borders.

Let’s Be Real About State and Local Climate Action

Let’s Be Real About State and Local Climate Action

Federal action is key to effectively addressing climate change.

Leading on Climate at Every Level

Leading on Climate at Every Level

States and subnationals can rise to the challenges posed by climate change.

State and Local Regulation of Climate Change

State and Local Regulation of Climate Change

Subnational regulators face a number of significant challenges as they seek to regulate climate change.

Holding Congress Accountable

Holding Congress Accountable

A New Deal-era proposal would produce more effective, less burdensome regulation.

Guidance and the Congressional Review Act

Guidance and the Congressional Review Act

Congress faces issues in attempting to apply regulation-removing law to agency guidance.

Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC

Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC

Net neutrality has “bounced” from regulation to repeal under an often-used administrative law doctrine.

How Much of an Income Drop Will Take a Life?

How Much of an Income Drop Will Take a Life?

Policymakers should consider the impact of their decisions on not just wealth, but also human life.