Regulatory Analysis Under the Trump Administration
Deregulatory executive orders require a new approach to analyzing regulatory impact.
Benefit-Cost Analysis Should Promote Rational Decisionmaking
Recent executive orders undermine the longstanding belief in benefit-cost analysis.
Regulating Within a Budget
The Trump Administration’s regulatory budget constraint may help improve agency benefit-cost analyses.
Could You Lose Your Voter Registration for Not Voting?
The Supreme Court will decide if Ohio can automatically remove inactive voters from its registry.
“Good Cause” Does Not Mean Anything Goes
Despite speculation about his intent to fire the special counsel, President Trump is not above the law.
Firing Mueller Is Only the First Step
Firing Mueller would be extreme, but the next step would be even more perilous for the President.
The Easy Path to Firing Mueller
The Solicitor General would readily comply with an order from President Trump to oust special counsel Mueller.
Can President Trump Get Rid of Robert Mueller?
Scholars assess President Trump’s claim of authority to fire special counsel Mueller.
Improving Regulation of Police Use of Lethal Force
Scholar argues that policymakers should apply the substance of executive branch lethal force regulations to the police context.
Regulating Immigration in a Deregulatory Administration
The Trump Administration’s measures to restrict immigration do not square with its push to deregulate.
Executive Power and the CFPB
D.C. Circuit weighs constitutionality of the consumer financial watchdog’s organizational structure.
Participatory Rulemaking in China Needs Even More Effort
Recent revisions to China’s administrative regulations will not guarantee effective public participation.