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Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC

Chevron and Net Neutrality at the FCC

Net neutrality has “bounced” from regulation to repeal under an often-used administrative law doctrine.

How Much of an Income Drop Will Take a Life?

How Much of an Income Drop Will Take a Life?

Policymakers should consider the impact of their decisions on not just wealth, but also human life.

Current Economic Regulatory Framework Works for Freight Rail Customers

Current Economic Regulatory Framework Works for Freight Rail Customers

The STB is considering proposals that would hurt the successfully managed freight rail industry.

Will New Jersey Change Sports Betting Regulation in the United States?

Will New Jersey Change Sports Betting Regulation in the United States?

Scholar discusses current sports betting regulation in the United States and a case that could change it all.

A Farewell to Fracking Regulations

A Farewell to Fracking Regulations

Trump Administration issues final rule rescinding Obama-era fracking regulation.

Addressing the Dangers of Partially Driverless Cars

Addressing the Dangers of Partially Driverless Cars

Scholar analyzes and suggests regulations for semi-autonomous vehicles.

Whistleblowing Is a Key Regulatory Tool

Whistleblowing Is a Key Regulatory Tool

Whistleblowing incentives are crucial to agency enforcement.

The Brave New World of Bitcoin

The Brave New World of Bitcoin

South Korea takes steps to regulate cryptocurrency amid speculation concerns.

A Tumultuous Year for Transgender Service Members

A Tumultuous Year for Transgender Service Members

President Trump brought uncertainty to military transgender recruitment in 2017.

Republicans Discover the Mythical Basis for Regulatory Reform

Republicans Discover the Mythical Basis for Regulatory Reform

Deregulatory difficulties will reveal that rulemaking and judicial review are stringent enough without reform.

Let’s Be Real About Trump’s First Year in Regulation

Let’s Be Real About Trump’s First Year in Regulation

Claims that the Trump Administration has radically reduced regulation are simply not true.

On Immigration, Trump Is No Deregulator

On Immigration, Trump Is No Deregulator

The Trump Administration has significantly increased regulation of immigration—to the nation’s detriment.