Do Shareholders Actually Have “Contracts” with Delaware Corporations?
Legal scholar argues that Delaware’s longstanding use of contract metaphor should be fixed.
Regulatory Reform Should Be About Strengthening Legislative Responsibility
Countries like Australia and Canada offer models for reining in delegation of lawmaking authority to agencies.
Does the Administrative State Threaten U.S. Democracy?
Panel focuses on claims of potential dangers from growth in government agencies.
FDA’s Authority to Regulate Off-Label Promotion
Expert argues that federal law gives regulator authority to restrict unauthorized drug uses.
How the Clean Power Plan’s Repeal Undermines Regulatory Analysis
The Trump Administration’s purported economic justification weakens the credibility of cost-benefit analysis.
Building for Disaster
Data show that more stringent building codes deliver benefits greatly exceeding their costs.
Including Climate Change in Environmental Impact Analyses
D.C. Circuit holds federal energy regulators must consider pipeline project’s impact on climate change.
How Machine Learning Can Improve Public Sector Services
Experts explain how algorithms can aid government health and welfare work.
How Can We Reveal Bias in Computer Algorithms?
A legal scholar and a computer scientist explored how to limit machine learning biases.
Should Robots Make Law?
Workshop evaluated benefits and challenges of delegating government decision-making to computers.
Regulating the Robots that Help Us Decide
Professors tackle the challenges of regulating financial robo advisors.
Designing Safety Regulations for High-Hazard Industries
New National Academies of Sciences report offers much-needed clarity about regulatory design decisions.