
The parent category for sub-categories designated as an essay’s, “primary” category. DO NOT classify an essay as existing in this category, DO designate the essay with only one of the sub-categories AND the matching category at the root level of categories. This will allow us to display only the primary category for the story on essay’s synopsis while continuing to show it on other category pages.

Improving the Process of Making Rules at Independent Agencies

Improving the Process of Making Rules at Independent Agencies

Following certain procedural steps will strengthen independent agencies’ rulemaking processes.

The Dark Side of Departmental Discretion

The Dark Side of Departmental Discretion

New regulations governing student debt leave too much power concentrated with Education officials.

FDA Takes Action to Curb Overuse of Antimicrobials in Livestock

FDA Takes Action to Curb Overuse of Antimicrobials in Livestock

Amid growing concerns about “superbugs,” regulators seek comment on use of antimicrobials in animal feed.

Regulatory Series: 2016 in Review

Regulatory Series: 2016 in Review

The Regulatory Review celebrates the end of 2016 by recapping our series from the past year.

Regulatory News and Analysis: 2016 in Review

Regulatory News and Analysis: 2016 in Review

The Regulatory Review celebrates the end of 2016 by featuring our top news and analysis pieces from the past year.

Regulatory Opinion: 2016 in Review

Regulatory Opinion: 2016 in Review

The Regulatory Review celebrates the end of 2016 with the top opinion posts by regulatory law experts from the past year.

Artificial Intelligence and the Administrative State

Artificial Intelligence and the Administrative State

No rubric exists to decide how to navigate the use of automation in the administrative state, but society can make informed choices.

The Impact of Waiving Environmental Regulations

The Impact of Waiving Environmental Regulations

Recent PPR seminar examines effects on air quality and fuel prices from waiving environmental regulations.

Should the Education Department Hear Class Actions when Colleges Collapse?

Should the Education Department Hear Class Actions when Colleges Collapse?

The agency’s proposal to streamline student loan forgiveness claims is laudable, with its potential for a fairer, more efficient process.

Corporate Capture of the Rulemaking Process

Corporate Capture of the Rulemaking Process

The right regulatory reforms can level the playing field between the public and powerful corporate players.

What Should Regulators Do About Pilot Depression?

What Should Regulators Do About Pilot Depression?

A French agency’s report on the Germanwings accident reassesses the balance between medical privacy and public safety.

Robot Regulators Could Eliminate Human Error

Robot Regulators Could Eliminate Human Error

Scholar examines what a world of regulation by robot might look like—an innovation that could be just around the corner.