What Is Lost During State Implementation of Federal Law?
Scholar analyzes the problems of unwritten state law implementing federal programs.
The Rights of Same-Sex Couples in the Coming Administration
The incoming Trump Administration threatens the current constitutionality of same-sex marriage.
Advancing Equity in Road Safety Policymaking
Jeffrey Michael discusses the roles of research, technology, and community engagement in shaping transportation policy.
Regulating Risk in a Warming Arctic
Scholars discuss the challenges of international regulation in a changing Arctic.
State Laws Neglect the Needs of Automated Vehicles
Scholars analyze state driving laws and suggest reforms to regulate automated vehicles.
Title IX Regulation Under Fire
The Biden Administration’s Title IX regulation protecting LGTBQ+ students faces legal and political hurdles.
The Consequences of America’s Big Bet on Sports Gambling
Two research teams find that legalizing sports betting may negatively impact American consumers.
The Important Case that Most People Know Nothing About
United States v. Eaton serves as the constitutional basis for thousands of executive branch decisions.
Ethical Considerations for FDA Accelerated Approval
Scholars debate ways to improve FDA’s accelerated approval mechanism.
Should Patents Create Incentives for Failure?
Scholar argues that patents do not—and should not—compensate for the costs of drug development.
Expanding Access to Food as Medicine
Policymakers debate whether to use federal health care funding to cover nutrition programs.
Rethinking Administrative Law for the Environment
Scholar argues that a recalibration of administrative law is necessary to respect congressional intent in environmental statutes.