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European Union Reveals Plan to Build Capital Markets Union

European Union Reveals Plan to Build Capital Markets Union

EU Commission invites public feedback on private lending consolidation plan.

Safety Standards Make an Impact

Safety Standards Make an Impact

Government report shows how motor vehicle safety measures save lives.

New “Sue-and-Settle” Bill is Much Ado About Nothing

New “Sue-and-Settle” Bill is Much Ado About Nothing

Proposed legislation seeking to curb collusive deadline suits misunderstands the administrative process.

The Celebration Rule

The Celebration Rule

The Department of Labor redefines “spouse” under the Family Medical Leave Act.

New Regulations Proposed on Arctic Ocean Drilling

New Regulations Proposed on Arctic Ocean Drilling

Interior Department proposes new regulations for exploratory drilling offshore Alaska.

Regulating Away Housing Bubbles

Regulating Away Housing Bubbles

Two scholars argue for measures to reduce the incidence and magnitude of housing bubbles.

EPA Reform Measures Face White House Opposition

EPA Reform Measures Face White House Opposition

White House claims EPA reform legislation is expensive, unnecessary, and arbitrary.

Can 911 Find You?

Can 911 Find You?

FCC issues final rule increasing 911 operators’ ability to locate wireless 911 callers.

EPA Enforcement in a Time of Financial Constraint

EPA Enforcement in a Time of Financial Constraint

Scholar argues that the EPA has to look for cheaper, more efficient enforcement strategies.

New York City Considers a “Civil Gideon” for Housing Court

New York City Considers a “Civil Gideon” for Housing Court

Proposed change to New York City’s code would provide free legal counsel to low-income tenants facing eviction.

The Regulatory Reform Debate Needs a Wider Lens

The Regulatory Reform Debate Needs a Wider Lens

The U.S. does not regulate more than its international peers, but could still learn much from them about regulatory management.

Obama Pushes for Paid Leave Policies for Workers

Obama Pushes for Paid Leave Policies for Workers

President tries to push Congress towards more generous paid sick leave for all American workers.